From the files of my favorite fictional characters, I would choose this girl that I would want to be if I can, Katsura Hinagiku, a character from an japanese animation called "Hayate No Gotoku." Apart for her cute apperance and looks, she does have good and bad traits in her which I really like for her character.
She does have quite a character in herself such as excellent in cooking, doing homework, and even she is the Cuncil Student President of her school. She is also admired by boys, and even girls would really like her, maybe its because she sometimes does not really acts like a girl herself. The bad traits that she has is she does not want to loose and she felt really bad if she loose somehow.
There is a saying that "Invincible only came from a story book, absoulute everything has a weakness." She may sound like she is a superhuman but she has her weakness, which is heights. Her cute weakness of hights makes me fumble on the gound and say 'awww~' for some reason. Although it wasn't really my intention to make the character bad or anything, it's just too cute.
For me, I really do wish I could be able to be like her somehow if I can. Having such self-confidence in mind, and able to do a lot of things, even protecting my friends. If I can become like her, I would be really glad to give a hand towards the people who really needs it.
usually girls want to be like guys but hardly guys want to be like girls. Salute
Ah thanks ^^
Guess I do dream if I were able to be born again to be a girl ^^
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